Participating in the Discourses of Society

“Be anxiously concerned with the needs of the age ye live in, and center your deliberations on its exigencies and requirements.”

- Bahà’u’llàh

Among the many aspects of social existence that will need to be transformed as humanity approaches its coming of age are the attitudes, thoughts, and conceptions of the fundamental issues facing humanity. Contributing to this process of transformation at the level of thought is thus one of the main areas of concern and learning for the worldwide Baha’i community. Baha’i communities are learning to participate in the many discourses related to humanity’s well-being such as the equality of women and men, peace, governance, public health, and development, to name a few.

The purpose of participating in these discourses is not to persuade others to accept a Bahá’í position on this or that subject. Nor is effort in this area of endeavor pursued as a public relations activity or an academic exercise. Rather, Bahá’ís strive to adopt a posture of learning and engage in genuine conversation. As such, they do not set out to offer any specific solutions to the problems that face humanity such as climate change, women’s health, food production and poverty alleviation. Yet Bahá’ís in a range of settings around the world are eager to share what they are learning in their efforts to apply Bahá’u’lláh’s teachings towards the advancement of civilization and to learn with and from other like-minded individuals and groups.

The Baha’i community of India has a rich history of participating in the discourses on the equality of women and men, socioeconomic development, the role of religion in society, child rights and youth and social transformation.